Holistic Health Expert & Passionate Practitioner

It’s my mission to help you rejuvenate your health with a holistic approach to optimal nutrition, mindset & lifestyle. I help you sort through all the confusing, contradictory health & nutrition advice to come up with a plan based on your unique bio-individuality while addressing the foundations of optimal wellness from a holistic perspective. I’m dedicated to helping you achieve your health goals, remove obstacles, identify imbalances, and address the root causes of any dysfunction or dis-ease – so that you can truly thrive and reclaim your innate wellness.


My passion for holistic healing and nutrition grew as a result of my own health struggles, and the lack of proper diagnosis (aka root cause) or effectiveness in conventional medical treatments. At a very young age, I began experiencing various digestive distresses, and I later developed eating disorders, cystic acne, systemic candida infection, h-pylori overgrowth, gastritis, stomach ulcer, and hiatal hernia… and fell into deep depression – all by the age of 16. Into my early 20s, I had extensive food intolerances, persistent abdominal distention, constipation, and bloating. I was constantly uncomfortable or in pain. And to top it all off, I became infertile at the age of 25, without any diagnosable “cause” according to the conventional medical model. 

Years of doctor and specialist visits, countless tests, procedures and probing, prescription therapies and treatments, and not one valid diagnosis – only suggestions of “IBS” (the catch-all term for “we have no idea”), accompanied by “everything looks fine”, and “it’s all in your head”…  

Needless to say, I felt broken. 

So, I took my health into my own hands, and began to find real results – and hope – using nutrition, holistic healing, and alternative medicine practices, with the inspiration and guidance of a Functional Medicine Practitioner. 

Today, I have more vitality, energy, strength, and fertility than ever, and I’ve renewed my faith in the body’s innate ability to be truly well. I now have the knowledge, tools, and intuition to properly nourish my body, mind, and spirit. I will forever be a work in progress, and am committed to continuing to grow, evolve, and heal – and for that opportunity, I am truly grateful. Now it’s my life’s mission to help others do the same, with intuition, integrity, and passion.


As an Integrative Holistic Health Professional, I help you get to the source of your symptoms by using assessments and functional testing to identify underlying imbalances in your body. I educate and support you by optimizing your nutrition, removing barriers to health, and implementing appropriate lifestyle adjustments. I focus on addressing root causes, not applying temporary fixes.